Important Dates
- Monday 12 June – Open Evening for 2024 – school closes at 3pm (buses will run at normal times)
- Monday 19 June – Board meeting 6pm
- Friday 30 June – End of Term 2 – school finishes at 3.20pm
PPTA rolling strikes
Important Information
PPTA Industrial Action
All parents and caregivers have been sent information regarding the ongoing PPTA Industrial Action.
To read the full notice click here.
Open Evening 2023
What’s happening?
Studio Pacific Architecture
This week the Year 12 and 13 Design and Visual Communication Students visited Studio Pacific Architecture on Cuba Street. It was really exciting to see the way that they work and co-design with local Iwi on their projects to fully understand the context and stories of the whenua and how that should not only influence but drive their design. They were very generous with their time explaining what they were about, how their company works, the life of an architect and designer and everything that it entails. We heard from a company director/owner, a senior designer, a landscape architect and a graduate architect. We all left feeling totally inspired!
He Kākano
Experimenting with sugar and water in Science, writing skills in literacy and sprints in PE were highlights this week with ākonga engaged in their mahi.
Manawatū Jazz Competition
On Saturday we took the Wellington High Big Band and three jazz combos up to Palmerston North to compete at the Manawatū jazz competition. The students were all awesome and such a pleasure to travel with. Miro Holland won the award for best trumpet and Kindekel Banda-Moyes won the awards for best big band drummer and best overall musician. We also took away the top Big Band award which is an amazing achievement! Big shout out to John Rae for his mentorship of this group.
CodeCamp allows children from the ages of 7-12 to develop 21st century skills in a fun and action packed environment. Develop confidence & initiative through design, creativity, solving problems, presenting & collaboration. Create games, apps.
- Thorndon School: 3rd – 6th & 10th – 13th July
- Book Now at
- EarlyBird Save 15%
- Siblings Save 6%