News / Notices Principal's Message

Principal’s message – End of Term 2, 2024

I think I can speak for all (staff and students) when I say that we are looking forward to a break.  Some time to refresh, recharge and get ready for what the rest of the year is going to offer. Term 2 has provided us with memorable Shakespeare Society performances, outdoor education tramps, winter sports, […]

Principal's Message

Principal’s Message – Mid Term 2, 2024

Thank you for the response to my email in relation to school donations, fees and other charges a couple of weeks ago. I have had many families get in touch with me needing support and other families able to provide support. Miraculously, the two seem to be balancing financially at the moment and I appreciate […]

Principal's Message

Principal’s Message – End of Term 1, 2024

Kia ora koutou I have written to whānau on a couple of occasions about the new government regulations for cell phone use in schools and the need for schools to have a policy in place for cell phone usage at school. Earlier this term we shared a draft cell phone policy with our teachers, students […]

Principal's Message

Principal’s Message – Mid-Term 1, 2024

Bill Alington, the architect who designed what some of our students term as the ‘gulag’ style blocks but which many of us know as brutalist style, died last week. I attended his funeral along with many others and the speakers focused on Bill but also on his designs. Wellington High School featured prominently in the […]

Principal's Message

Principal’s message – End of Term 4, 2023

Ka tangi te Titi Ka tangi te Kaka Ka tangi hoki ahau Tihei Mauri Ora I received the very sad news late last Friday of the passing of Tūroa Royal. Tūroa was the Principal of Wellington High School from 1978 to 1986 and he died last Tuesday, 28 November, at the age of 88 in […]

News / Notices Principal's Message

Principal’s Message – Mid-Term 4, 2023

For Dominic’s mid-term Principal’s message, he is sharing his speech from our Year 13 Senior Celebration Evening, held on Monday 30 October. If you would like to read the original Nick Cave article that Dominic refers to below, please visit The Red Hand files.  Tēna koutou katoa This evening’s celebration represents work from students in […]

News / Notices Principal's Message

Principal’s Message – End of Term 3, 2023

Term three is always an exciting and tiring time at WHS when not a week seems to pass without some quite monumental happenings. This term started with another successful Blank Canvas exhibition with lots of wonderful pieces of Art displayed and sold! Winter sports ended and some teams travelled to Winter Tournament week. Then we […]

Principal’s Welcome

  Nau Mai, Haere Mai ki Te Kura Tuarua o Taraika ki Pukeahu Welcome to Wellington High School! For more than 130 years Wellington High School has been providing the best education possible for many thousands of young New Zealanders. Throughout this time we have forged our reputation with an educationally progressive curriculum and attitude. […]

News / Notices Principal's Message

Principal’s Message – End of Term 2, 2023

In his Principal’s message for the end of Term 2, Dominic asks ChatGPT to outline the benefits and challenges for future education in an AI world.

News / Notices Principal's Message

Principal’s Message – Mid-Term 2, 2023

I spent time over the last week at a Principal’s conference in New Plymouth. One of the keynote speakers, Yong Zhao, Distinguished Professor of Education at the University of Kansas, talked to us about what he saw as the future of education in the age of ‘smart machines’.  Yong talked about his humble beginnings, honestly […]