Information on bus routes for Wellington High, as provided by Metlink.
Category: News / Notices
This week’s news wraps up the year, and includes the Tall Blacks visit, a Special Olympics achievement and an invitation to an overseas ecology trip for 2020.
The final week of term: Information about the Year 9-10 short courses and the rōpū days.
This week’s newsletter includes: end of term reminders, ID cards, online safety, and student updates on our Amnesty Club and International Dept.
In this week’s newsletter, we remember Eva McGauley, update you on our Community of Learning, celebrate Roots and Shoots, and congratulate our Floorball champs!
This week’s newsletter includes the Principal’s mid-term message, a reminder about the Paid Union Meeting and a summary of this week’s events and achievements.
In this week’s newsletter, read about: the Paid Union Meeting, Junior and Senior Exams, and find the lists of prizewinners for 2018.
It is with great pleasure that we celebrate the achievements and persistence of so many of our students this year. We have awarded prizes in our Sports Awards, Whakanuia Awards, and Senior Prizegiving, and the lists are below: Whakanuia Prizegiving 2018 Whakanuia Prizes 2018 Senior Prizegiving 2018 Senior Prizegiving 2018 Sports Awards 2018 Major Sport […]
We will be running end-of-year assessments for Years 9 and 10 from Thursday 15 November to Friday 16 November.
This week’s newsletter includes important Term 4 dates, Sports Prizegiving and achievements in engineering and songwriting.