Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Week 6, Term 2)

Congratulations to our jazz musicians for their incredible five awards in the Manawatu Jazz Festival. Shout out also to the Sheilah Winn Shakespeare Competition winners for their three prestigious awards. This week we also share news from Sports Science and Year 11 Drama. Finally, with Open Evening on Monday 14 June, a reminder that school will finish early at 3pm.

Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Week 5, Term 2)

This week we celebrate Julia Randerson’s incredible debating success as part of Wellington Black and her selection for team Aotearoa. We follow senior Japanese students’ immersion camp in Otaki and encourage you to support our Te Whānau a Taraika Kapa Haka in competition on 5 July. Enjoy the long weekend and we will see all students back on Tuesday 8 June.

Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Weeks 3 & 4, Term 2)

From the Top Scholars Award ceremony to the Hutt Science STEMM challenge and the Ngā Manu Kōrero speech competition we have a wealth of successes to celebrate this week. We follow the wānanga for our senior Māori students, the 30th anniversary of the Shakespeare Society, discover what a Reebop is and finish with achievements in Inline Hockey.

Important! Take note of the timetable changes for next week: details are included.

Weekly Wrap Up

Key dates for June 2021

There are a number of events taking place in June that will have an impact on the school day. Details are below. Wednesday 2 June: Evans Bay Intermediate Year 8 visits to WHS The normal Wednesday late start time will not apply: school will start at 8.45am and will finish at 12.00. The timetable will […]

Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Week 2, Term 2)

This week we celebrate our Gateway programme which is the focus of an article in the Education Gazette. We join The Flannel’s editorial team at Massey University and follow He Kākano’s support team in their recent Halberg Foundation training which focused on adapting activities in sports and recreation for students with diverse abilities.

Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Week 1, Term 2)

Welcome to Term 2! This week the Wrap Up brings you news from the Library, He Kākano, Japanese and Recreation. We celebrate achievement in the 48 Hour Film Festival and recognise a WHS alum who is on the Tokyo Olympic team. With an invitation to all whanau to take part in a New Zealand Sign Language taster lesson next Thursday as part of New Zealand Sign Language week 2021 this is a Wrap Up not to be missed.

Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Week 11, Term 1)

It’s the end of term and this week’s Wrap Up includes a celebration of Technology! From screen-printed hoodies in Year 9 fashion to typography and cigar box guitars in Year 10 we cover it all. We share an advertisement for tutors for our Māori mentoring programme and ask you to share that with whānau. We have hot off the press news of dramatic success in the Sheilah Winn Shakespeare competition and reveal our Year 9 Readers competition line up.

Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Weeks 9 & 10, Term 1)

We are delighted to report news of stellar successes at the National Youth Jazz Competition in Tauranga, and selection for the Wellington Regional Debating teams. In addition we have news from He Kākano, Food Technology and Design and Visual Communication. Students are reminded of the need to register any motorbikes/scooters on campus.

Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Week 8, Term 1)

The Wrap Up features Year 13 Drama students’ self-scripted and devised pieces and Papa Taiao students’ close encounters of the kiwi kind. Our former refugee and migrant students’ shared dinner brought many families together. We also reach out to families of deaf/hard of hearing/NZSL users with an opportunity to connect with other families and whanau across the WHS community.

Don’t forget! Learning Conversations take place on 31 March and the Teacher only day is on 1 April.

Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Week 7, Term 1)

It is Neurodiversity Week and we follow the events around the school and in He Kākano including news of a student’s selection for the Special Olympics National Summer Games. With success in Dragon Boating, Waka Ama and at the Western Zone Athletics, it has also been a fantastic sporting week.