News / Notices Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Week 4, Term 1)

This weeks Wrap Up is epic! With highlights from the Athletics Carnival and Aroha Day, an update from He Kākano plus news of an exciting collabrative dance project that He Kākano students will take part in, there is so much in this Wrap Up! We also celebrate publishing success at Year 9 and achievements in NCEA Level 3 Fashion. It has been a great week!

News / Notices Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Term 1, Week 3)

As this week’s Wrap Up goes live, Years 9 and 10 are crossing the finish line at the Athletics Carnival – photos to follow next week. In the meantime, read on and meet Annette Atkins, our new Board of Trustees Chair, join the Te Whānau a Taraika hui on 17 February, consider offering a homestay to Japanese student visitors and read about successes in NCEA Level 3 Art and marvel at the produce produced in the school garden.

News / Notices Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap-Up (Term 1, Weeks 1 & 2)

From our pōwhiri to welcome new students to Outdoor Education’s first surf classes in Lyall Bay, scholarship successes and Gateway programme reminders there is already a lot to catch up with in this week’s Wrap Up.

News / Notices Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Term 4, Week 8)

It may be the last day of school but we have been busy right up to the end! Read this week’s wrap for details of He Kākano’s trip to Zealandia, Year 10 Camp and Year 9 short courses. You can also share in and celebrate successes in Underwater Hockey and for the CEC. The Wrap Up will be back in 2020!

News / Notices Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Term 4, Week 7)

For detailed information about the final week of term, read on. You can read about the blessing of our new waka and successes in Mathematics Competitions and can find out how to provide feedback to the school in our whānau survey. Finally, catch up with our Year 10s in Industrial Arts, the Tuia250 exhibition and much, much more.

News / Notices Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Term 4, Week 6)

Included in this week’s Wrap Up is information about the MCDEM’s mobile alert testing on 24 November and the forthcoming closure of Wallace Street . This week, our Food Tech students have enjoyed working with the produce from the school’s garden and He Kākano visited Johnsonville fire station.

News / Notices Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Term 4, Week 5)

This week’s Wrap Up features Year 10 tāonga currently exhibited at Pukeahu, the first meeting of the Friends of Wellington High and our very own Head of Social Science, Henry Hollis on RNZ.

News / Notices Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Term 4, Week 4)

In this week’s Wrap Up access photos and prizewinner lists from Monday’s celebration of senior student success; read about the forthcoming inaugural meeting of the Friends of Wellington High School; follow He Kākano’s adventures off campus, view photos from Whakanuia and the Senior Ball and much more.

News / Notices Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Term 4, Week 3)

This week’s wrap up brings you photos from Whakanuia, a farewell from our Japanese exchange students, news of our first rowing regatta and news of international success in Floorball.

News / Notices Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Term 4, Week 2)

This week we invite you to our Term 4 Whānau hui and share the invitation for Whakanuia our celebration of Māori achievement. We celebrate successes in sport and creative writing and share information from VUW for next year’s undergraduates.