News / Notices Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap-Up (Term 2, Week 10)

Read this week’s Wrap Up for the Principal’s end of term message and an introduction to the new Board of Trustees. In addition catch up with our Kapa Haka group, Chemistry scholarship day, Wāhi Kai and International dinner. It has been a busy term!

News / Notices Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap-Up (Term 2, Week 9)

In this week’s Wrap-Up, we welcome our new Deputy Principal, request homestays and celebrate our artists, underwater hockey players, scientists and tech wizards.

News / Notices Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap-Up (Term 2, Week 8)

A fabulously busy week with the 48 hour film challenge, Japanese trivia camp and successes in the Manawatu Jazz festival, Japanese Speech and Fencing to celebrate. Plus, find out how you could contribute to Blank Canvas 2019.

News / Notices Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap-Up (Term 2, Week 7)

This week’s Wrap-Up celebrates community connections for a range of exciting school initiatives, a wonderful dinner and a medal in the diving!

News / Notices Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap-Up (Term 2, Week 5)

This issue of the Wrap Up includes the principals mid-term message, an update on the rostered days off as part of the PPTA’s industrial action, the Board of Trustees election and reports from Papa Taiao and the Tramping club.

News / Notices Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap-Up (Term 2, Week 4)

It has been another epic week: Roots and Shoots students met with Dr Jane Goodall; many students participated in the Strike 4 Climate and we welcomed more than 350 Year 8 students for the afternoon to experience WHS life. Read about this, the PPTA Teachers Strike, BoT elections and more in this Wrap Up.

News / Notices Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap-Up (Term 2, Week 3)

This week’s wrap up features an announcement about NCEA fees; our new Kapa Haka promotional video; the WHS rebranding project’s first meeting; the Kaibosh ‘Meal in May’ project that our Food Technology students are taking part in and Year 12 Rec camp. These are just a few of the events featured – read on to find out much, much more.

News / Notices Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap-Up (Term 2, Week 2)

Our Shakespeare Society production sold out; Year 10 got hands on experience of cutting edge biotechnology and our Winter Sports programme is under way. Read this week’s Wrap Up for all this and more.

News / Notices Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap-Up (Term 2, Week 1)

Welcome back! Discover key dates for Term 2, encourage your student to join Kapa Haka and find out how our students fared in Japan during the holidays.

News / Notices Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap-Up (Term 1, Week 11)

It’s been a busy final week of term. With visits to the City Art Gallery, a performance of the Scottish play, a Taiko drumming workshop and the Newlands Sports exchange the final Wrap Up of Term 1 is packed full.