News / Notices Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (T4, W4)

IMPORTANT DATES 3 November : Whakanuia 4 November : Last Day for Seniors 7 November : Senior Prizegiving 9 November : NCEA Exams begin 15 November :  Year 9 PE Tournament 17 – 18 November : Junior Exams for Year 9 & Year 10 5 – 9 December : Junior Short Courses 13 December : […]

Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (T4, W3)

IMPORTANT DATES 3 November : Whakanuia 4 November : Last Day for Seniors 7 November : Senior Prizegiving 9 November : NCEA Exams begin 17 – 18 November : Junior Exams for Year 9 & Year 10 You can keep up to date with the school calendar HERE And you can plan for  next year with Term […]

News / Notices Weekly Wrap Up

Whakanuia 2016

News / Notices Weekly Wrap Up

Media Studies Showcase 2016

The showcase is to be held at the Nga Taonga National Film Archive, Taranaki Street, Wellington at 2pm. GOLD COIN entry.   Media Studies Showcase Programme 2016

News / Notices Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (T4, W2)

LAST DAY FOR SENIORS 4 November 2017 The arrangements for the day are as follows: Year 11 : Period 1 – 4 as normal.  Assembly at 2.30pm Year 12 : No classes.  Only come in for 10am end of year assembly.  Dismissed afterwards. Year 13 : No classes.  Only come in for Leaving Assembly at […]

News / Notices Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (T4, W1)

Welcome to Term 4.   This is always a busy term with prizegivings, exams, short courses and Christmas looming.  Please keep an eye on the important dates each week as well as the school calendar. IMPORTANT DATES 17 October : Music Evening 17 October : Board of Trustees Meeting 31 October : Senior Art Exhibition […]

News / Notices Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (T3, W7)

Ski Trip As you may have seen in the media, we had a group of students and staff who had to stay an extra night on an outdoor education/physical education ski trip to Tukino Ski Field due to a large snowfall.  The students had a wonderful time, despite very little skiing. This is a good […]

News / Notices Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (T3/W6)

Union Meeting for PPTA/NZEI We will be closing at 12.20pm on Tuesday 6 September 2016 for union members from PPTA and NZEI to meet for the purposes of being briefed on the Governments proposed Global Budget funding for schools. There will be supervision available, in the school library, for those students who require it. Important […]

News / Notices Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (T3, W5)

Future Focus To help your student make smart course choices for 2017, Wellington High School will be running a Future Focus Evening on the 29th August. To ensure you get access to the information you need, each Learning Area will be allocated a room over two levels of the main block of the school. For […]

News / Notices Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (T3, W4)

Important Dates 19 – 25 August : School Exams for Seniors 22 August : Board of Trustees Meeting 26 August : Mid-Term Break (SCHOOL CLOSED) 29 August : Future Focus for Senior Students and families 6 September : PPTA/NZEI Paid Union Meeting. School closes at 12.20pm 14 September : Learning Conversations 2 22 September : […]