Weekly Wrap Up

Music Evening – Term 4, 2015


Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (T4/W2)

We are rapidly heading to the end of the year for our Senior Students and there are lots of things happening around the school. Music Evening for Term 4 showcased the diverse musical talent of our students.  Some of the photos from the night can be found here. Don’t forget to mark your calendars for important […]

News / Notices Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (T4/W1)

Term 4 is a very short one for Seniors (before exams) and a busy one for all. This Weekly Wrap Up includes important dates for you to take note of.    There is also the information about Junior Exams and, of course, student news.

News / Notices Weekly Wrap Up

So Many Congratulations

The last two weeks have seen a lot of successes by both staff and students. We are celebrating this below.

Weekly Wrap Up

Senior Ball 2015

The Hunter Lounge was the venue for the Senior Ball 2015.  Here is just a small selection of the photos available on photgrapher Neil Mackenzie’s Facebook Page Album 1 Album 2 Album 3 Album 4 Album 5 Album 6

News / Notices Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (T3/W7&W8)

We kick off this wrap up with a past student success story that made it to the Dominion Post.  Former student Luke Pratley is heading to University College London to study towards a PhD as  part of a team that is resea rching new ways of processing images of space, as collected by radio telescopes. Read more about […]

Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (T3/W6)

Week 6 concluded with another hugely successful NIWA Science Fair with all WHS taking away top prizes.   You can read more about the teams success here. Huge congratulations to Jack, Tess, Callum, Daisy, Ruby, James and Shakked for the outstanding results.    

Weekly Wrap Up

Business is Booming for Anya

Anya Bukholt-Payne is a Year 11 Business Studies student here at WHS.  As part of an assessment she designed, planned and carried out a business venture called LittleAngel. LittleAngel sells handmade baby mobiles that are based on the educational philosophies of Rudolf Steiner. Colourful ‘angels’ which are made from recycled silk, are suspended from gold thread. This allows them to […]

Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (T3/W5)

Week 5 saw all seniors involved in internal exams and so the school had a very industrious vibe all week.  We are halfway through the term already and there are some dates that you need to be aware of:   28 August SCHOOL CLOSED for Mid-Term Break  31 August –  4 September Tournament Week  16 September Learning […]

Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (T3/W4)

Week Four was a little quieter  on the lunchtime activities front with the exception of the Year 9 Ropu Challenge on Wednesday.  See below for photos and details. The senior school was winding up into internal exam week which starts in Week 5.  The timetable can be found here.   Here are some dates that should […]