Weekly Wrap Up

Touch Success

Congratulations to Waisale Tabuavou and Ruiha Evans who have both been named in the Wellington U17 Representative touch team.

Weekly Wrap Up

WOINZ Emerging Leader candidate Hana Olds 2013

Congratulations to superstar Year 10 Hana Olds who has been selected as one of five finalists in the Westpac Women of Influence – 2013 Emerging Leader Awards.   This is a fabulous achievement for Hana whose (first) book was published and launched last year. We admire her passion, her leadership and her effervescent contributions to […]

Weekly Wrap Up

WOW Factor – Cook Strait News

Four year 13 fashion students from Wellington High School are hoping to WOW Wellington with their wearable art designs. Maia Holder-Monk, Hannah Van Seventer and Frankie Berge were all selected to take part in this year’s Te Papa WOW project.The project, which is run in partnership with Queen Margaret’s College, has been running for the last eight years. It gives […]

Weekly Wrap Up

The Premiere A debating team defeated Wellington College

The Premiere A debating team (Ailidh Leslie, Merinda Jackson and Lauren Thompson) defeated Wellington College in the Wellington Secondary school’s top debating cup on 10 Sept. We successfully argued the motion ‘that academic streaming should be compulsory in New Zealand schools’ – The top speaker award went to Ailidh Leslie. It was a quality debate […]

Weekly Wrap Up

Upcoming Important Dates – August to September

There are a number of important dates that are looming on the calendar for our students and we would like draw your attention to them.   Teacher Only Day Friday 23rd Aug – Teacher Only Day.   School Exams Tuesday 20th Aug – Senior students will be given their school exam timetable. Monday 16th Sep – […]

Weekly Wrap Up

Elizaveta Zyzuina wins prestigious art award

Congratulations to Elizaveta Zyuzina who has won a prestigious award for her art based around the theme “The Face of…”.  Elizaveta created an artwork entitled “The Face of Winter”. We are all so proud of her and look forward to her developing her talents over the coming years at Wellington High.

Weekly Wrap Up

Sport & Cultural Photos 2013

    Sport & Cultural Photos are on the 13th of August 2013. All students must report to the Reily Centre by the stated report time. All students must bring their sports uniforms. You can get a copy of the Timetable in the links below. 2013 Sport & Cultural Photos Timetable (PDF) 2013 Sport & Cultural […]

Weekly Wrap Up

Feminist Wall

The amazing fledgling feminist group at Wellington High have established a wall of commentary from students around the theme: “I need Feminism because”.  

Weekly Wrap Up

Geography Competition

  Congratulations to Max Beauchamp, Taran Molloy and Eddyn Perkins-Treacher who proudly represented Wellington High School at this year’s Maatangi Whenua Geography competition. The team were tested on their understanding of geographic concepts, skills and general knowledge of global geography. They ended up second out of 14 teams in the Wellington Region. What a great […]

Weekly Wrap Up

Bridge Building success – The Bridges of Mt Cook County.

This year Wellington High school entered three teams in the Aurecon Bridge Building competition. Each team of  year ten students were given some simple building materials and tasked with building a bridge to span a fixed distance. The judging criteria were strength, aesthetics and innovation. The Sassbandits team of Jess Eaton, Lucy Brown and Isabella […]