Important Dates
- Monday 8 November: Board meeting (6pm)
- Friday 12 November: Official last day for Seniors with 15th-19th as Opportunities Week optional support for senior students to complete final internals or prepare for exams. This week runs according to the usual timetable for seniors.
- Monday 22 November: NCEA Exams begin
- Wednesday 1 December: Teacher-Only Day across Wellington secondary schools to prepared for NCEA changes — school closed
- Term ends 15 December
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the following events are now in school with only staff and students attending:
- Tuesday 2 November: Music Evening
- Thursday 11 November: Whakanuia – in-school ceremony in the afternoon .
- Friday 12 November: Last official day for seniors with assemblies and Prizegiving.
Important Information
“ShakeOut” Earthquake preparedness
On Thursday during rōpū the school participated in “ShakeOut” to remind ourselves what to do during and after an earthquake. This is a great time to think about your family’s post earthquake plan and consider if it needs any changes. There is helpful information about how to create a plan on the Get Ready site
Former students of Wellington High School and Com Ed Centre graduating from Te Herenga Waka – Victoria University of Wellington
It is with pleasure that we share a list of our former students who have graduated from Victoria University between June 2020 and May 2021. We acknowledge and celebrate their wonderful success.
Year 13 scholarships from VUW
The following students from your school have been offered a Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington School Leaver Scholarship for 2022:
Tangiwai recipients
Ella Bunny, Cadence Chung, Joseph Edwards, Hannah Elzenaar, Sadie Galloway, Carlo Gamble, Claire Lynch, Dan Moskovitz, Ursula Palmer Steeds, Lewis Thomson
Totoweka recipients
Nico Maiden, Emily Rutledge, Luke Wakeling
SGCNZ Young Shakespeare Company 2022
Congratulations to year 13 Brooke McCloy who has been selected as a member of the SGCNZ Young Shakespeare Company 2022.
Brooke will, fingers crossed, travel to London in 2022 to take part in a comprehensive series of workshops, talks and Q&A sessions with actors and directors. After two weeks of rehearsal in London, taken by a Globe Director, she will then have the amazing opportunity to perform for the public on the Globe stage.
WHS student highly commended in Sargeson Prize
WHS year 13 Cadence Chung has been highly commended for her writing in the annual Sargeson prize, sponsored by the University of Waikato. Cadence’s piece ‘roll the bones’ was highly commended in the Secondary Schools’ division. Congratulations Cadence!
EPro8 success
At last week’s EPro8 tournament, it battle royale between Wellington High and Wellington College. Teams had the op[tion of four challenges designed to test their technical, engineering and team work skills.
What’s happening?
String ensemble
The string ensemble has grown to nearly an Orchestra! A lunchtime concert is being planned for the end of term where our community will be able to hear the stunning pieces these students have been working on.
He Kākano
During exam week our senior students participate in a programme run by He Kākano. We have been cooking, playing basketball and making Spring themed decor for our ceiling display. One of our senior students is working at Vinnies Op Shop to transition into the workforce.
A highlight for He Kākano is being able to acknowledge our students’ contributions to WHS. Two cups that will be specifically awarded to He Kākano students have been donated by ex-student Rohan Lane-Turnbull. One is called the He Kākano Senior Champion and the other the He Kākano Junior Champion.
Spring in the garden
Thanks to Horticulture teacher Claire Neiman for these pictures of our garden in the Spring.
From the Careers Desk
Term 4
As the school year is quickly coming to an end, we wanted to let you know that Chuni and Bec are available and ready to help you out with your plans post school and in to 2022 Whether that is looking for a job (part-time or full time), final course selections for 2022 or just a chat about what options are available to you we would love to hear from you……
For any of the following contact Bec –
- Help creating a C.V
- Help with applying for Jobs, cover letters and interview prep.
- If you looking for help finding jobs, websites to search etc
- Apprenticeships
For any of the following contact Chuni Bhikha –
- Course Selection for 2022
- Careers advice and guidance
- Information on Tertiary education providers information
- Organising a meeting for caregivers and students to discuss future plans
Please make the most of us as your careers support resource. We are always happy to help and hear from you.
Netball Wellington award winners
Netball coach and TA Joe Sione and coach Darrell Doig who were recognised at the Netball Wellington Centre’s special awards for 2021.
Joe received the Coach of the Year – Developing Players award with Darrell receiving a special mention. Darrell was also joint winner of the Volunteer of the year award. Congratulations to Joe and to Darrell and thanks to them for their phenomenal commitment to WHS netball this year.
WHS Football Academy