News / Notices

COVID-19 update: Friday 15 October

Kia ora koutou There were a number of announcements from the Government in the last week that will affect how we operate in the future and I need to share these with you in this communication. It is pleasing to see the response by most New Zealanders to this latest COVID outbreak with high rates […]

Weekly Wrap Up

The Wrap Up (Weeks 9 & 10, Term 3)

It’s the end of term and the Wrap Up is busy! Next term’s key dates (including a change to the end of term) are highlighted and we include important information for the derived grade exams and start of Term 4. We celebrate Drama, Music and Science and join the International Department in activities through the term.

News / Notices

COVID-19 update to the community – Friday 10 September

Kia ora koutou I hope your young person has appreciated being back at school. It has certainly been nice to see so many students returning. Winter sport resumption It is already the end of the season for some of our winter codes but College Sport Wellington (CSW) have confirmed dates for the resumption of some […]

News / Notices

COVID-19 Updates – Tuesday 7 September

The two updates sent by WHS today can be read below or on the COVID-19 link from our homepage. Message to the community 2 – Tuesday 7 September Kia ora,  Following on from my earlier email, we have now received advice from the Ministry about operations at level 2.  Firstly, we will be following our […]

News / Notices

COVID-19 update Friday 27 August

Kia ora koutou Following the Government’s announcement today to continue at alert level 4 until midnight Tuesday evening and move to alert level 3 from Wednesday onwards, we will start to make preparations for the school to operate under alert level 3.  The Prime Minister said today that “students should only go to school if […]

News / Notices

COVID-19 update – Monday 23 August

Kia ora koutou Following the Government’s decision to extend Alert Level 4 across New Zealand through until Friday evening, we will be continuing with remote learning for the remainder of the week. Because of the uncertainty with the emerging situation and the lockdown length, it is important that students connect with their teachers and try […]

News / Notices

COVID-19 – Email to all whānau and caregivers 23.6.2021

This email has also been added to our ‘Responding to COVID-19‘ page. Kia ora koutou,  You have probably read that an Australian traveller from Sydney who visited Wellington between Saturday 19 June and Monday 21 June has tested positive upon return to Australia. The Ministry of Health has listed contact tracing locations of interest. We […]

Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Week 11, Term 1)

It’s the end of term and this week’s Wrap Up includes a celebration of Technology! From screen-printed hoodies in Year 9 fashion to typography and cigar box guitars in Year 10 we cover it all. We share an advertisement for tutors for our Māori mentoring programme and ask you to share that with whānau. We have hot off the press news of dramatic success in the Sheilah Winn Shakespeare competition and reveal our Year 9 Readers competition line up.

Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Weeks 9 & 10, Term 1)

We are delighted to report news of stellar successes at the National Youth Jazz Competition in Tauranga, and selection for the Wellington Regional Debating teams. In addition we have news from He Kākano, Food Technology and Design and Visual Communication. Students are reminded of the need to register any motorbikes/scooters on campus.

Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Week 8, Term 1)

The Wrap Up features Year 13 Drama students’ self-scripted and devised pieces and Papa Taiao students’ close encounters of the kiwi kind. Our former refugee and migrant students’ shared dinner brought many families together. We also reach out to families of deaf/hard of hearing/NZSL users with an opportunity to connect with other families and whanau across the WHS community.

Don’t forget! Learning Conversations take place on 31 March and the Teacher only day is on 1 April.