News / Notices Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Term 3, Week 5)

This week the wrap up contains important updates for Learning Conversations and Sports. We invite you to join Te Whānau a Taraika online, re-visit Blank Canvas 2020, follow the progress of Year 9 Royal’s election and celebrate Year 9 publishing success and alumni success in film.

Weekly Wrap Up

COVID-19 Update – 12 August

Under Alert Level 2, Wellington High School remains OPEN with good hygiene and distancing practices in place, as we have done before. The information below has been sent to all families and whānau this morning. Students with cold/flu symptoms should stay at home and call the Absence line [Wednesday 12 – Friday 14 August]. Kia […]

News / Notices Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Week 12, Term 2)

We have raced towards the end of term with fantastic speed, fitting as much in as we can, and much is included here! This week the wrap up includes a link to the end of term message from the Principal, reviews open evening and the music evening, features powerful political discourse work from Year 10 computing, snowy footage from the Outdoor Education tramp and art work from WHSInk our Year 9 and 10 Art club. We also feature Councillor Tamatha Paul’s lunchtime lecture, the Roxy5 Film Festival and squeeze in a short report on the Boys 1st XI Football.

Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Week 8, Term 2)

This week’s wrap up includes details of the two candidates in the forthcoming Board of Trustees by-election. In addition we celebrate publication success for three year 9 students and marvel at the art produced by Year 11 students during lockdown. Finally, we ask all families and whanau to update their emergency contact information: read the Wrap Up and fill in the form!

News / Notices Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Week 7, Term 2)

In this week’s wrap up you are invited to attend the Year 13 production of Every Brilliant Thing, catch up with Year 10 science enrichment and news from alumni recently graduated from postgraduate study at Harvard University in the US and Cambridge University in the UK. We also share updates from He Kākano, the Careers desk and Cafeteria.

News / Notices Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Week 6, Term 2)

This week we celebrate our return to the WHS campus with staff and students interviewed by RNZ on their return to school. We celebrate success in Wellington regional debating and recognise the achievements of a student who has been awarded a youth mentorship space by the New Zealand Society of Authors. With reflections of lockdown in an international students vlog and our oldest alumna celebrating her 100th birthday, the wrap up is as diverse as ever.

News / Notices Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Week 5, Term 2)

As we prepare for all students to return to campus on Monday, this wrap up features updates the cafeteria, the Music department and a reminder to complete the public transport survey. We celebrate student lockdown success in the Money Jam competition and commend our students who, this week, opted to compete in the Otago University Junior Mathematics competition at home.

News / Notices

COVID-19 update 15.05.2020

Kia ora koutou This email is to provide a little more detail about some of the services at school under alert level 2 and some information about Queen’s birthday weekend. A reminder that we are expecting to greet all of our year 9 and 10 students at 8.45am on Monday 18 May and all our […]

Weekly Wrap Up

COVID-19 update 12.5.2020

Kia ora koutou Yesterday, the Prime Minister announced that New Zealand will move into Alert Level 2 from Thursday 14 May. The Government will be reviewing this decision in two weeks time. In light of this announcement, our school will be reopening for all students from Monday 18 May and we will be making preparations […]

News / Notices Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Weeks 3 & 4, Term 2)

This week’s wrap up includes an update from Dominic Killalea in relation to COVID-19, plus we farewell Art teacher Lou Wycherley who retired on 1 May. The Shakespeare Society have been rehearsing online and we share a special lockdown edition of Fresh Avocado. In addition, we follow the 48 hour Film Festival online, celebrate alumnus Jack Buchanan’s Lockdown Boogie success and introduce CSW’s esports competition. Also including information from Simply Dental about the services they are currently able to offer.