News / Notices Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Term 3, Week 10)

While the visit of Education Minister Chris Hipkins was undoubtedly a highlight of the week, there have been many other events of note: CREST awards, students speaking in Parliament on the subject of prison reform, winners in Chinese Essay Writing, winners in Skateboarding and much much more.

News / Notices Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap-Up (Term 3, Week 5)

WHS are national winners! Bus Stop Productions took first place in the schools’ section of the 48hr Film festival for their film ‘The Talk’. Our Kapa Haka team drew on their assembly performance contributing to renowned restaurant Hiakai’s Hāngi 2019 and our Senior A girls Netball team finished top of their division. Read about all forthcoming events and many other achievements in this week’s Wrap Up.

News / Notices Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap-Up (Term 2, Week 10)

Read this week’s Wrap Up for the Principal’s end of term message and an introduction to the new Board of Trustees. In addition catch up with our Kapa Haka group, Chemistry scholarship day, Wāhi Kai and International dinner. It has been a busy term!

News / Notices Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap-Up (Term 2, Week 9)

In this week’s Wrap-Up, we welcome our new Deputy Principal, request homestays and celebrate our artists, underwater hockey players, scientists and tech wizards.

News / Notices Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap-Up (Term 2, Week 5)

This issue of the Wrap Up includes the principals mid-term message, an update on the rostered days off as part of the PPTA’s industrial action, the Board of Trustees election and reports from Papa Taiao and the Tramping club.

News / Notices

PPTA Teachers’ strike: rostered days off

If there is no resolution following the PPTA Teachers’ Strike of 29 May, the campaign will continue with ‘rostering home’ action. On the day below, no instruction will be provided to students in the year group stated. In addition, there will be regional strikes across the country in Week 8 with the Wellington regional strike […]

News / Notices Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap-Up (Term 2, Week 2)

Our Shakespeare Society production sold out; Year 10 got hands on experience of cutting edge biotechnology and our Winter Sports programme is under way. Read this week’s Wrap Up for all this and more.

News / Notices

Open Evening 2019

WHS warmly invites you and your whānau to attend our Opening Evening 2019 on Monday 10 June from 6pm-8pm.

News / Notices Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap-Up (Term 1, Week 11)

It’s been a busy final week of term. With visits to the City Art Gallery, a performance of the Scottish play, a Taiko drumming workshop and the Newlands Sports exchange the final Wrap Up of Term 1 is packed full.

News / Notices Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap-Up (Term 1 – Week 9)

This week’s wrap up looks to the future with Roots and Shoots sustainability and consumer awareness week and recognises student achievement at the National Physics Tournament and Wellington Regional Debating.