Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (T1, W11)

Kia ora whanau This edition of the Weekly Wrap Up is being sent out on my last school day before I move into retirement. I want to take this opportunity to thank our school community for the support they give their young people and the support the give the school.  Wellington High School is a […]

News / Notices Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (T1, W10)

Deputy Principal Announcement The Board of Trustees and the senior leadership team, have been working through the process of appointing a new Deputy Principal  This vacancy was created by the appointment of Dominic Killalea as Principal.  After a  rigorous interview process, including student panel, we are pleased to announce that Karen Spencer has been appointed. […]

News / Notices Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (T1, W8)

Important Dates 4 April Learning Conversations 5 April Otago University Maths Competition 13 April Last Day of Term 1 1 May First day of Term 2 3 May Junior Parent Teacher Interviews 8 May Senior Parent Teacher Interviews 15 – 19 May Shakespeare Society Production  Congratulations Special Olympics Massive congratulations to Rebecca Heath, WHS teacher […]

Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (T1, W3)

Important Dates 20 February Te Whanau a Taraika hui 20 – 24 February Year 9 Noho Marae (first group) 2 March Athletics Day 4 April Learning Conversations 6 March Year 9 Noho Marae (second group) 14 March Junior Girls Netball Trials 15  & 17 March Senior Girls Netball Trials 13 April Last Day of Term […]

News / Notices

Irene van Dyk to coach netball at Wellington High School

In 1914, Wellington High School became the first school to recognise netball as an organised sport for girls.  More than 100 years later, world-class netballer Irene van Dyk is preparing to give netball at Wellington High School a boost. Van Dyke has volunteered her time to coach teams at the secondary school in 2017. Van […]

News / Notices Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (T1/W11)

Important Dates 2 May : First day of Term 2 6 May : Nominations Open for Board of Trustee Election 16 – 20 May : Shakespeare Society Production 24 May: Altered timetable for contributing schools visit 31 May : Altered timetable for SWIS Visit 6 June : Queen’s Birthday 7 June : Year 11 Drama […]

News / Notices Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (T1/W10)

Wellington High School has managed to squeeze a lot into the second to last week of Term 1. IMPORTANT DATES 11 April : JUNIOR Parent/Teacher Evening 12 April : Year 10 Touch Tournament.                                               […]

Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (T3/W1)

Fulbright Scholarship “Life Changing” Michael Harcourt has returned to WHS after two terms in New York where he was investigating what it means to be culturally responsive and how ethnic identity shapes the learning that occurs in history and social studies.  Food & Fashion Trip #5 – Update by Dominic Killalea The Food and Fashion […]

Introducing The Board

Principal Dominic Killalea I was appointed as Deputy Principal at the end of 2005 and as Principal in 2017. I have worked in this school for over 18 years and I am passionate about our school’s identity and place in the heart of Wellington and I want our students to be a part of creative, collaborative […]

Emergency Preparation

Lockdown and Evacuation Procedures Wellington High has developed an Emergency Management Plan so we can respond safely and quickly to a range of circumstances. The evacuation of the building and lockdown within the building are a part of our emergency procedures.  We conduct practice exercises to make sure all staff and students remain familiar with our […]