Principal's Message

Principal’s Message – End of Term 1, 2023

Kia ora koutou I mentioned to students in year 12 and 13 at assembly a few days ago that this point of the year is a bit of a reality check for each individual. Are things going as planned, and if not what changes are they going to make? There is still a lot of […]

News / Notices Principal's Message

Principal’s Message – Mid Term 1, 2023

It was lovely to welcome about 450 new students to our kura at the start of the year. At the powhiri I spoke about attendance and connection. Students know that these are recurring themes of mine and this is because I spend a fair amount of time looking at data that highlights the importance of […]

News / Notices Principal's Message

Principal’s Message – End of Term 4, 2022

I spoke to a parent at cricket a couple of weeks ago and he remarked on all the teacher-only days that have occurred this year. That has probably been an irritation for many parents but these were days agreed to by the ministry to help us with preparation for a new NCEA to be implemented […]

Principal's Message

Principal’s Message – Mid-Term 4, 2022

We are more than halfway through the final term for the year. Some of our seniors have left us already and some are involved in NCEA examinations. Traditionally when our seniors leave we have run a senior prizegiving for our years 11 to 13 which is normally quite a long affair but a chance to […]

Weekly Wrap Up

Principal’s Message – End of Term 3, 2022

Kia ora Koutou This is my last message as acting Principal, as Dominic will have returned from his sabbatical and be back in the hot seat next week.  I hope he has managed to get some rest and had a great time travelling. Firstly, I would like to welcome Nīkau and Bella to the Board […]

Principal's Message

Principal’s Message – Mid-Term 3, 2022

Tēnā koutou katoa, I would to take this opportunity to introduce the new board members who took their positions at the meeting on Monday 22 August.  As we had 5 members of the school community put their names forward, there was no need to have an election and they were able to take up the […]

Principal's Message

Principal’s Message – End of Term 2, 2022

Last year at this time I mentioned how tired staff and students were and the need for the break. This year I really want to pay tribute to our staff who have been consistently going above and beyond to keep things running at school as normally as possible. There has been a great, extra burden […]

Principal's Message

Principal’s Message – Mid Term 2, 2022

I attended a Principal’s conference in Queenstown earlier this week. There were strong themes of decolonising and re-indigenising our curriculum with Professor Mere Berryman’s keynote presenting a powerful examination and, at times horrific history, of education in New Zealand. In approaching this, Professor Berryman quoted Moana Jackson who said that “… to understand how to […]

Principal's Message

Principal’s Message – End of Term 1, 2022

Kia ora koutou This has been a challenging term. I know I have said this before and every time I write that down or say it, something else comes along and we have to make alternate plans to meet the new challenge. I want to thank all of the students for the way that they […]

Principal's Message

Principal’s Message – Mid Term 1, 2022

At this time of year we are normally looking backwards, at our work last year, and looking forwards, making plans for the rest of the year based on the data we have collected from last year. Mark Twain famously said: “there are lies, damned lies and statistics” and I’m conscious of this whenever I collect […]