Principal's Message

Principal’s Message – End Term 1 2018

The term has drawn to a close. The first term is a difficult one for a lot of students as they settle into new classes and, for those students attempting NCEA for the first time, things seem more daunting. The Education Review Office visited us during the term and they have reported very favourably about […]

Principal's Message

Principal’s Message – Mid-Term 1, 2018

It is hard to believe that we are already in the latter part of term 1 2018. There has been a lot going on and a lot of student success over a wide range of areas. If you are a regular reader of the weekly updates you will already know this. In a couple of […]

Principal's Message

Principal’s Message – End-Term 4, 2017

The end of the school year has come and gone and I write a few days after our juniors have left us for the year. Term 4 is always a busy time and it brought a lot of significant events in terms of celebrations and prizegivings for both seniors and juniors. I attended a tutors’ […]

Principal's Message

Principal’s Message – Mid-Term 4, 2017

Mid Term 4 2017 We are very quickly heading towards the end of the year and this term is only 8 weeks. We have just waved goodbye to our seniors and we have run a number of really enjoyable prizegiving events honouring the contributions made by so many of our students. NCEA exams have commenced […]

Principal's Message

Principal’s Message – End-Term 3, 2017

As we reach the end of term 3, our senior students are preparing for the most busy and stressful time of year having recently completed school examinations that will enable them to gauge their progress to date on externally assessed standards or spend valuable time on portfolio work. Reports for seniors are available on the […]

Principal's Message

Principal’s Message – Mid-Term 3, 2017

We have reached the middle of term 3. Winter sports are finishing and seniors will be involved in school exams from today for a week. The school exams are very important for a number of reasons. Firstly, they provide students with important feedback / feed forward for external standards that they will be sitting in […]

Principal's Message

Principal’s Message – End-Term 2, 2017

It felt a little like Christmas last Friday when I drove into work to see the shrink wrap had been taken off our music and drama block revealing … our music and drama block, but with a beautiful new (and hopefully watertight) exterior. This building and the adjacent library have been a part of some […]

Principal’s Message

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Weekly Wrap Up

The Wrap Up (Week 10, Term 2 2024)

Another term done and dusted! We have had many amazing musical and creative achievements this term – from national choir and orchestra selections to our very own music evening and Blank Canvas exhibition. We are looking forward to a fresh start next term and wish everyone a good break.

Weekly Wrap Up

The Wrap Up (Week 6, Term 2 2024)

Sharpen your debating skills at Parliament and prepare to be enthralled by our Year 12’s crime and murder inspired productions. Discover your inner artist for Blank Canvas and rock to the impressive musical energy as our students showcase their talents across festivals and competitions. This and much more in this week’s Wrap Up.