Important Dates
Term 4
- Friday 29 November: Year 11 Final Assembly; NCEA exams end
- Monday 2 December: Year 13 celebration evening
- Monday 9 December: Board meeting 6.00pm
- Friday 13 December: Year 9 and 10 Final Assemblies
- Friday 13 December: Term 4 ends
Important Information
Parking Breach Notifications – Learning Conversations 15 November 2024
New Zealand Traveller Declaration
Going overseas this summer? Everyone travelling into, or returning to, New Zealand must complete a New Zealand Traveller Declaration.
The New Zealand Traveller Declaration collects travel, customs, immigration and biosecurity information and aims to improve the safety and security of New Zealand. It replaces the paper card you used to fill out on the plane.
To make your arrival easier, do your digital declaration before your flight to New Zealand. It’s free to complete.
If you’re travelling as a family or group and completing multiple declarations, the NZTD app allows you to copy your travel details into another declaration, making it easier to complete multiple declarations for the same journey. The submitted declarations are then all easy to see within the app.
Head to today!
Snapper updates
From December 2nd 2024, Metlink will be introducing a 1.5% credit and debit card processing fee on Snapper apps and self-service Snapper kiosks.
This fee will apply when topping up a Snapper card or purchasing a Snapper travel pass, in the following circumstances:
- When using a credit card/credit function at a Snapper kiosk
- When using a credit/debit card on the Snapper app
The processing fee will be deducted by the payment provider and added to the transaction amount but not to the Snapper balance. For example, topping up a Snapper card by $20.00 will cost $20.30.
Fees-free options for topping up a Snapper card will still be available. No processing fees will be charged in the following circumstances:
- Using an EFTPOS card at a kiosk
- Using a debit card, selecting cheque/savings at a kiosk
What’s Happening?
Zoo trip
Our ENL000 students recently enjoyed a trip to the zoo as part of a cross-curricular project. They planned and budgeted the visit in Maths class, baked cupcakes in Food Technology, and sold them to raise funds. They discovered that fundraising isn’t as easy as it looks! Still, they received great reviews: “They were absolutely delicious and so beautifully presented! I loved the card that went with them – this is very thoughtful.”
At the zoo, the students saw some of the animals they’d been studying about in English and filmed scenes for their Media Studies movie. The zoo provided a fantastic backdrop, and everyone is excited for the upcoming premiere!
Back at school, they’re busy writing reports about their visit and sharing their favourite animals. It was a fantastic way to combine learning with a memorable day out!
Below images by our talented photographer, Lyu Yuanmeng.

Tahatū Career Navigator
Tahatū Career Navigator is a new interactive careers website the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) is developing in consultation with the education community, careers practitioners, students and whānau. This is currently being piloted with a group of secondary schools and kura kaupapa Māori across Aotearoa New Zealand, with more schools coming on board in 2025.
What does Tahatū mean?
The name Tahatū means ‘horizon’, especially in relation to the sea, and reflects our focus on a lifelong learning journey, heading towards the future. The Tahatū logo depicts Ngā hau e whā, the four winds. The changing winds were the tohu (signs) our ancestors read to guide them. Tahatū Career Navigator will help users read the signs around them as they navigate their career journey.
Next generation careers planning resource
Tahatū Career Navigator is the next generation of the current website, refreshing the best of its content, tools and functions. It will deliver complex careers information in a useful and interactive way to help all New Zealanders make informed career decisions at any stage in their lives.
It connects NCEA school subjects, qualifications and careers and shows the most common ways others have taken to get to that career or job. It brings this information together for the first time in one place, profiling nearly 100 school subjects, 4,000 qualifications and 800 career ideas. It will become a trusted source of careers information across Aotearoa New Zealand and a key resource for those providing careers support and advice.
Tahatū Career Navigator is an important initiative under the National Careers System Strategy and a key objective in the Tertiary Education Strategy for the future of learning and work.