Important Dates
Term 4
- Monday 9 December: Board meeting 6.00pm
- Friday 13 December: Year 9 and 10 Final Assemblies
- Friday 13 December: Term 4 ends
Important Information
Principal’s Message – End of Term 4
Read Dominic’s address to our Year 13 students at their Senior Celebration Evening here.
Senior Assemblies and Award winners 2024
Over the past couple of weeks we have celebrated the many and varied achievements of our senior students at their respective end of year assemblies and at the Senior Celebration Evening. Read through the impressive list of Senior Awards and Special Awards 2024.

Photos from these events can be viewed online and accessed from the links below. Visit all the prizegiving galleries below and celebrate our class of 2024 at the Senior Celebration.
Congratulations to all recipients.

What’s Happening?
WHS String Ensemble perform with Arohanui Strings
Food Technology Christmas Kai
This term Year 11 Food Technology ākonga had the opportunity to design and make edible Christmas gifts for their friends, whānau or a local charity.
The result was that there was a range of beautiful products developed from mochi, tiny ginger biscuits, liege waffles to chicken and chickpea curry and vegan chilli.
Students worked really hard to make and package their products during the last lesson of the year.
Several of our ākonga made products for charity, and these were delivered at the end of last week to the charities that the students had chosen, Wellington Rape Crisis and Wellington Womens Refuge.
Love to Ride
The Aotearoa Bike Challenge is Back for 2025!
From 1 – 28 February individuals and organisations across New Zealand will compete to see who can get the most people riding a bike.
It doesn’t matter if you ride every day or haven’t been on a bike in years, you can ride anywhere anytime in February to take part. There are prizes to win for riding and encouraging your friends and colleagues to ride too
Wellington High School is registered so why not consider joining WHS staff and students by visiting and search for Wellington High School.
Learning Conversations – feedback
The survey can be found at:
Thank you for your input.
Wellington Junior Science Tournament
Both our entries in the tournament performed well this year. The “Danish Architects” (Eva, Callum, Rosie, Oli, Matilda, Liam) finished a close second to the “Positrons” from WEGC. Our other entry of Rachel, Eva, Caleb, Maia and Maya were sixth out of the 17 teams from eight schools who competed. Much learning occurred during the preparation and competition phases of the tournament.
All sport has concluded for 2024. Congratulations to all player on a fantastic year! We’re thrilled to have had 47% of students playing sport. This is up from 37% just a few years ago
Uniform Return
Please return your sports uniform (washed) to the Sports Office by Friday, 13 December.
Summer Sports Registrations for 2025
Registrations for Term 1 are now open on our website: Please apply early to ensure you receive all necessary information for Term 1 sports.
Note that registration forms must be completed by a parent or caregiver.
Education 2 Employment – Year 10 Careers ‘Have a Go’
On Thursday 5th December Wellington High School hosted Education 2 Employment. Students were introduced to a range of businesses/organizations who provided insightful information sessions about their industry or organization, awareness of training opportunities, and potential career pathways.
- NZ Police
- Te Whatu Ora
- Microsoft
- Downer
- Naylor Love
- Chartered Accountants
- Whitecliffe
Staff at Wellington High School also provided sessions on:
- NCEA 2025
- Careers and pathways opportunities for senior students
- Leadership
Wellington High School would like to thank Education 2 Employment and representatives from all organizations who attended this event. We appreciate your time and support in making this event a success for our students.
We are also keen to get feedback from students about this events to continuously improve what we offer on this day. We would love to hear your comments.
E2E – Year 10 Careers – ‘Have a Go’ – Employer Sessions 2024