Weekly Wrap Up

The Wrap Up (Week 9, Term 2 2024)

Mānawatia a Matariki. As we celebrate Matariki, join author Tīhema Baker’s visit to our whare pukapuka and celebrate our CrisisLabs team’s success. Make a note of Blank Canvas’s exhibition opening and book tickets for the first Music Evening of 2024. All this and more in this week’s Wrap Up.

Important Dates

  • Friday 28 June – Matariki holiday – school will be closed
  • Friday 5 July – End of Term 2

Term 3

  • Monday 22 July – Term 3 starts

Important Information

ICT maintenance 8-10 July

During the term 2 break, our ICT systems will be undergoing a major upgrade. This means that there will be a full network outage (including website, parent portal and phones) from 8-10 July. Email and Google services will continue to operate throughout this period.

What’s Happening?

Follow the QR below to get tickets.

Music Evening is on next week. This the night when the richness, diversity and talent of our kura’s musical community is up on stage and in full effect!


Blank Canvas

It’s nearly time! Blank Canvas 2024 opens for whānau on 4 July. Come along to the Gallery and immerse yourself in the creativity and artistic talent of our students and staff.

  • Opening preview for whānau: Thursday 4 July: 4-6pm in The Drama Gallery.
  • Public viewing: Saturday 6 July: 10am-2pm


On Monday, 24 July, author Tīhema Baker visited our whare pukapuka to kōrero about his latest novel, Turncoat. It’s a sci-fi allegory set in Wellington in the distant future, where aliens have colonised humanity. Two year 13 English with Philosophy classes read Turncoat this term for their novel study, and joining them for Tīhema’s kōrero were a year 10 Social Studies class and a year 9 Te Reo Māori class.

Ngā mihi, Tīhema, for this special wānanga!


CrisisLabs 2024 challenge

The Crisislabs challenge is run by Massey university’s Joint Center for Disaster Research. It offers students the chance to design a system that detects, monitors and notifies the community about a specific natural disasters. 

With four year 12 students (Alex Berry, Toby Connor-Kebbell, Theo Keith, and Maxwell Robati), it was a close contest of 18 teams from around the wider Wellington region over the last two months.  The WHS team was announced the Ultimate Winner.


Our Year 9 Readers Cup quiz team ‘Booked Out’ (Cody Dalzell, Izzy Zajac, Lorna Clarke, Neve Phillips-McLean and Piper Barnes) competed against other local schools, placing a respectable 5th.


A busy week, there is a lot happening in the ‘world of careers’ here at Wellington High School. Many of our students are exploring options for next year and beyond which is great to see. Here is our careers newsletter for week 9.