Week eight was a short week ending with Learning Conversations on Thursday, before the Easter Weekend break.
Learning conversations were well attended and for those senior families who missed out, you can still book for Friday 1 April.
Important Dates
- 1 April : Learning Conversations for Senior Students
- 4 – 8 April : Summer Tournament Week
- 11 April : JUNIOR Parent/Teacher Evening
- 13 April : SENIOR Parent/Teacher Evening
- 15 April : Last day of Term 1
- 2 May : First day of Term 2
- 16 – 20 May : Shakespeare Society Production
Congratulations & Good Luck
Jacob Porteous and Libby McIntyre are heading to Australia to compete at the Australian Age Diving Championships in a couple of weeks. Good luck to them both!
WHS athletes did well at the Regional Athletics meet with lots in the top five in their events. Malysan Qioyali was first in senior discus. Christina Gardner was first in 100m hurdles and second in high jump. Heidi Coleman was third in the javlin. Well done to them all!