Weekly Wrap Up

Weekly Wrap Up (Term 1, Week 1)

We are back! Our new student pōwhiri and the Year 9 Rā Haka feature this week. Find out about important dates for the month ahead, sports registration, Wellington Trades Academy and Gateway, plus much more.

Important Dates

  • Monday 8 February – Waitangi Day holiday (school closed)
  • Monday 15 February – Year 9 Meet the Teacher (6pm)
  • Monday 15 February – Board of Trustees meeting (6.15pm)
  • Wednesday 17 February – School Photos
  • Thursday 18 February – School Photos
  • Friday 26 February – Athletics Carnival
  • Monday 1 March – Year 9 Noho Marae begin

Important Information

Sports registration closes 11 February is our new Sports portal. Registration closes on 11 February. There is still time to sign up! Payments for 2021 will be made through the Parent Portal once registration is complete. No online payment is needed at the time of registration.


A reminder that WHS follows the government’s advice and implements Ministry of Health recommendations. This includes asking you to keep your students home if they show signs of sickness and checking in with Healthline / your GP if the symptoms are COVID-like. If your student needs to be off school because they are unwell, please email or phone the absence line 043858911 ext 873.

As a parent / caregiver, visiting the school, QR codes are displayed around the campus so you are able to scan in and track your visit.

What’s happening?

Start of year Pōwhiri

Students and whānau new to WHS were welcomed in a series of pōwhiri at Taraika earlier this week.

Year 9 Rā Haka

As part of their orientation programme, Year 9 students experienced a day of Kapa Haka. Huge thanks to Whaea Char, Whaea Tilly, Matua Jesse, Matua Shane and our Kapa Haka students for their energy in leading an incredible day.

Videos can be watched by clicking on the images below:






The Library is up and ready for the year with a new coat of paint and a bit of reshuffling to improve the book sequence. The light colour makes the space look significantly bigger and really fresh. We’re currently waiting on some new shelving and shelf dividers (to show you where each section of books begins). Huge thanks to those student librarians who gave up their time to help. We could not have done it in time without your help! MCP





Year 11 Tuākana leadership

As part of their bicultural leadership mahi, some year 11 students came into school a day early to support the new year 11s and year 9 Royal Whānau’s introduction to our school. These year 11s shared the stories behind our beautiful heke and helped us to understand the values behind them. It was mīharo! Thanks to Matua Whakamarurangi and Miss Bell for supporting these students to step up to support their teina!








From the Garden

The first class to use the garden this year was this group from Poly High Creche. They explored the garden discovering things that are yellow. They spotted sunflowers, beans and zucchini during the course of their search.







If any Wrap Up readers subscribe to My Food Bag, Claire Neiman (Horticulture) and Kylie Merrick (Fashion) would be grateful for any donations of the wool packaging that comes inside each week’s boxes. Please bring to Student Services or Reception. Many thanks.

Piano tuition

If your student wants to take piano lessons but would prefer not to take lessons during school time, this could be the opportunity for you! Pieter Bos offers tuition locally in Mt Cook.


Gateway Work Experience

Applications for Gateway work experience are now open for 2021. 

What is Gateway?  Gateway provides long-term, structured workplace learning for senior students. It is designed to support students’ transition into the workplace by offering them workplace opportunities while still attending school.

Students ideally attend their work placement for one day per week, for 10/11 weeks. Students must also commit to completing extra industry based unit standards.  Check out this short video that has been shared with students for expression of interest. GATEWAY student presentation: Watch Video.

For more information and Expression of Interest form, please visit our school website:

Please note: Limited spaces but do not hesitate to apply.
(NB: this is not a timetabled class – optional extra curricular for Yr 12 -13)

Wellington Trades Academy

This Programme offers students an opportunity to shape their learning by spending 3 days in school (3 subjects) and 2 days out of school at Weltec or Whitireia Polytechnics. Students will gain 40credits towards their NCEA L2 or L3. There are small vacancies on the following programmes …

  • Animal Care which runs on Monday and Tuesday – Porirua
  • Animal Care which runs on Thursday and Friday – Porirua
  • Barbering Level 3 which runs on Thursday and Friday – Porirua
  • Cooking Café Service which runs on Thursday and Friday – Hospitality Campus, Cuba Street, Wellington
  • Creative Technology which runs on a Thursday and Friday – Te Auaha
  • Health Sciences Level 2 which is a one day programme running on a Thursday – Porirua
  • Health Science Level 3 which is a one day programme running on Wednesdays – Porirua

If students/families are interested, they should email CHUNI BHIKHA (Careers Adviser) for a course description and enrolment forms. These places are available to ALL Wellington Secondary Schools so competition for places is high.