Important Dates 
Term 1
- Monday 9 April – Emergency Lock Down Drill
- Friday 13 April – Last day of Term 1
Term 2
- Monday 30 April – First day back for Term 2
- Wednesday 2 May – Junior Parent Teacher Interviews (bookings to open during Week 11)
- Monday 7 May – Senior Parent Teacher Interviews (bookings to open during Week 11)
- Monday 14 May – BoT meeting
- Monday 6 June – Open Evening
- Monday 17 June – BoT meeting
Click here for Term Dates 2018
Important Information
Lock Down Drill — Monday 9 April 2018
Wellington High School has been working with Harrison Tew®, who specialise in emergency management planning for schools, to further strengthen our emergency planning. The procedures they have developed allow us to respond safely and quickly to a range of circumstances and have been successfully implemented at schools across the country.
Harrison Tew® will run specialised training with senior management, our staff and students in the lead up to a lock down exercise, which will occur on Monday 9 April.
The exercise will be as real-life as possible, which will mean that parents/families will receive notification by way of text, WHS app and/or email. The information passed will emphasise that this is an exercise/practice and will explain that all updated information will then be posted on the school website.
In a genuine incident, should you hear of a lock down at the school, can we please ask that you do not attend the school or phone, as we will not be able to respond. Your presence at, or contact with the school may make it more difficult for us to manage the situation, and could potentially & place your children and in fact yourselves at risk.
- Prior to this exercise, please check that your contact details (mobile phone numbers and email & addresses) are current. This will be the information we use to reach you should an emergency occur at the school. You can do this by checking your details through the parent portal [] and choosing ‘Details’.
- Download the WHS App today via Google Play store (Android) or iTunes app store (Apple)
Reminders: Earthquake / school closure
This is a good time to encourage you to make or review your family plan around other emergencies, such as earthquakes. You may find ‘How to get ready’ is a helpful resource. A family plan is particularly important for students who travel to school from out of zone as their transport routes may be cut off.
If a decision is made to close school, for any reason, we will keep our year 9 and 10 students with us until a known adult can come and collect them from the school field. The only adults permitted to collect a student will be the caregivers and emergency contacts that we have recorded.
We will only release our year 11, 12 and 13 students when it has been declared safe to do so. Please ensure that a discussion about safe routes to get home are part of your family plan. Older students may stay at school under our supervision until they are able to be collected if this arrangement forms part of your Family Emergency Plan.
We thank you for your ongoing support.